belum pengalaman bahasa Inggris
- belum: do not already; do not yet; had not already; had
- pengalaman: experience; see; live; background; go through;
- gundul/belum pengalaman: inexperienced
- pengalaman: experience; see; live; background; go through; have; know
- belum: do not already; do not yet; had not already; had not been; had not yet; hasn't; have not; have not already; have not been; have not so; have not yet; not yet; under done; no; non; crudely; not; artl
- dengan pengalaman: empirically
- kekurangan pengalaman: inexperience
- kurang pengalaman: inexperienced; wet behind the ears; gormless; unfledged; unweaned; verdant
- mendapat pengalaman: cut one's teeth on; cutting one's teeth on
- pengalaman berbelanja: shopping experience
- pengalaman bisnis: business experience
- pengalaman keagamaan: religious experience
- pengalaman luas: extensive experience
- pengalaman memprogram: programming experience
- pengalaman menyakitkan: a bad quarter of an hour
- It could mean youth, it could mean inexperience.
Ini bisa berarti pemuda, bisa juga berarti yang belum pengalaman. - "Callow." Callow is a label.
"Belum Pengalaman." Itu adalah label. - I think it's better than teaming up with a rookie, fresh out of training.
Lebih baik dia daripada anak baru yang belum pengalaman - But it shows poor judgment on the part of those officials at the prison to let an untested, inexperienced driver take control of an 18-wheel tractor trailer.
Tapi itu menunjukkan penilaian buruk terhadap aparat di penjara membiarkan sopir belum teruji, belum pengalaman mengemudi sebuah truk beroda 18.